Learn more about ' Insolvenzanfechtung ' at our seminar on 6 September next!

Published on 21/06/2019

In practice, it appears that Dutch entrepreneurs are often not or not sufficiently aware of the consequences of a bankruptcy pauliana when delivering to Germany. The German trustee can reclaim already paid turnover under the so-called ' Insolvenzanfechtung '.

Stringent recovery actions

The German liquidator's recovery action can go far. In the case of German companies that went bankrupt before 5 April 2017, the receiver can recover payments up to 10 years back. Since a recent change in the law, for bankruptcies after 5 April 2017, the receiver can 'only' reclaim up to four years before the bankruptcy.

You naturally want to avoid reclaiming turnover already paid! We will discuss in detail how you can do this during the seminar ' Insolvenzanfechtung ' we organised.

Read more about this in our article: HELP! German receiver claims back paid turnover!

Entrepreneurs still insufficiently aware of risks

Precisely because of the fact that Dutch entrepreneurs are usually not aware of this, or are not sufficiently aware of it, we have Xolv and CRDT Dr Rolf Leithaus invited to speak on the subject. He is Rechtsanwalt and partner at CMS Hasche Sigle and specialises in the topic ' Insolvenzanfechtung '.

Seminar ' Insolvenzanfechtung '

This seminar will take place at Friday 6 September, starting 1.30 p.m.  in 's-Hertogenbosch (the exact location will follow in the final invitation).

We cordially invite you to attend this seminar to brush up your knowledge on this topic. Take advantage of this opportunity to arm yourself against a possible recoverable payment by a German administrator in the future.

Would you like to register directly or know more about the seminar? Then contact us at info@xolv.nl or 073 - 820 02 95. Our specialists will be happy to assist you.

Want to know more? Get in touch.