With credit management software you receive your money faster. It's that simple. You save on costs and can improve your cash flow. With this financial management tool you can optimize your accounts receivable management and reduce your accounts receivable risks. This way, your invoices are paid on time and you maintain your cash flow.
Credit management software or also called accounts receivable management software, is a management tool to streamline the debtor management workflow. It enables you to manage issues. Actions are automatically prepared and are continuously visible.
The world around us is changing rapidly and we are receiving more and more information that we also need to be able to process faster and faster. For the consistent and careful execution of accounts receivable management good software is essential. It allows you to automate where possible so that you can focus on the debtors that require attention.
Receiving money from outstanding receivables faster is always good for your business. It means optimizing your working capital. The point is that your DSO (Days Sales Outstanding, the number of days that the invoices are open on average) is as low as possible. The game surrounding working capital optimization consists of two sides. On the one hand, you pay your creditors as late as possible and on the other hand, you try to receive the money from your debtors as quickly as possible. For the latter, credit management software is almost indispensable. Financial accounting systems almost always lack proper credit management functionality.
We often see that companies do not use debtor management software, but instead perform their debtor management by downloading an Excel file and editing it manually. You can imagine that with more than 100 debtors, this quickly leads to confusion. In addition, all actions have to be picked up manually, which increases the chance that tasks are forgotten. If multiple people work on the same Excel file, this increases the error sensitivity even further.
Moreover, it is possible to expand the credit management software with the modules credit information en credit insurance. With credit information you can immediately check the creditworthiness of prospects and customers. Also read more about what you can do to improve your... optimize debtor management.
We know better than anyone how to optimize your debtor management process. This is an important condition when setting up and implementing credit management software. We negotiate the best conditions for you and guide you through the implementation and during the term.