Are Green Deals plunging our country into recession?

Published on 22/01/2020

Environmental measures like the Green Deal are necessary to achieve a sustainable society in the long run. But sometimes these schemes do not seem to parallel economic development. How do we get the Dutch economy green without plunging ourselves into recession?

The Dutch government started the Green Deal approach in 2011. With this interactive approach, the government aims to giving space to innovative, sustainable initiatives from society. It does so by removing bottlenecks in laws and regulations, creating new markets, providing good information and ensuring optimal partnerships. Clear mutual agreements allow participants to work towards concrete results, with each party involved having its own responsibility.

Contribution to economic growth

The government thus encourages companies to work out sustainable ideas and put them into practice. With this support, entrepreneurs can strengthen their competitive position, grow exports and thus contribute to (green) economic growth. The advantage if you start this early is that you have a Create huge advantage over your foreign competitors. By 2019, 227 Green Deals had already been concluded with more than 1,300 parties, as shown in the map. All these initiatives should inspire other companies to also initiate Green Deals.

Substantial investments

Shipping is one of the sectors keen to do its sustainable bit. For several years, it has been trying to replace old-fashioned, environmentally unfriendly fuel oil with less harmful fuels, including gasoil. This does mean that on ships substantial investments have to be made. Investments that have to be financed and recovered. The fact that less environmentally damaging fuels are also more expensive does not help.

Greater debtor risks

It means suppliers face greater debtor risks, as debtor balances rise sharply. These often have to be pre-financed as well. Banks are usually willing to do this, provided these risks are insured.

Recession or not?

Green deals and environmental measures thus have a Substantial impact on the economy, operations and business risks. In view of this, it becomes even more important to identify and manage these risks. If risks are well covered, financiers will finance more easily. And then we prevent Green Deals from plunging our country into recession.

Xolv has already helped a number of companies with credit insurance and/or financing these accounts receivable from Green Deals. We are also happy to help your company in finding appropriate solutions, so that together we make the Netherlands a bit more sustainable.

Source: Greendeals

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