Insure buyers in high-risk countries

Published on 06/11/2023

Alongside the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia has come a new serious conflict, the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The most terrible thing about this war is the personal suffering among the civilian population and the many deaths and injuries it brings.

These conflicts also have huge geopolitical implications. Several countries become directly or indirectly involved in such conflicts. Think, for instance, of China, Iran, Lebanon, North Korea, the United States, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. And of course we hope not, but a new conflict could just happen elsewhere in the world too


Whereas doing business in Russia is hugely restricted, doing business in Israel and surrounding countries is also becoming more difficult. In some cases, it can even lead to non-payments due to war, foreign exchange shortages or even the prohibition in countries to pay with foreign currency anymore. Because of the increasing unrest in the world, we advise entrepreneurs to make a proper risk inventory. Which customers in which countries do you do business with? What delivery and payment agreements do you make with your customers? If you do business on credit, it is worth insuring your buyers against non-payment. And in countries where there is more political instability, it is advisable to insure country risks as well. After all, even if your buyer is basically financially sound, you may not receive payment because the money cannot leave the country.

Xolv is happy to help you with this risk assessment and in finding the right solution! 

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