It's not about achieved, but paid sales

Published on 07/03/2023

itsme is a family business and we still exude that. We are big, but still flexible, open-minded and friendly. We say what we do and do what we say. Our customers are central to us; if things are going well for them, they are automatically good for us too. We are convinced that that sense of partnership contributes to the goals we have together. And left or right, we always look for solutions that benefit everyone. That requires trust and creativity. itsme gives that space.

In that respect, Xolv is a great fit for us as a broker. It is a nice company: open-minded, be normal, be yourself and keep your promises. We are currently in the process of extensively digitising our credit management processes. The aim is to optimise all aspects of the order-to-cash process. For this we have engaged Credit Device, specialists in developing credit management software. I myself have been with our company for 28 years and over the years a kind of spaghetti of programmes has developed. Logical, but to stay future-proof, we needed to take a hit. That took a long run-up, also logical. You don't implement changes quickly. Credit Device's Policy Manager is now up and running and I am very satisfied with it. We are currently setting up the Credit Manager module with a focus on standardising and streamlining the daily monitoring processes. It helps us to make improvements such as targeted customer contacts and thus make a higher contribution to our customers' success. But it also helps us retain and attract younger employees. Credit Management is, unfortunately and unfairly if you ask me, not a sexy-sounding profession for young people. While it is such a beautiful profession. You have to be able to switch quickly and really be the backbone of a company. Because after all, it's not about the turnover achieved, but the turnover paid. And we take care of that! 

Don't bullshit, but polish

I am convinced that, as a woman, I think differently from a man. And that's only good, because then you can take a broader view together. On the other hand, I'm not always the most tactical person, I come from the fumes of Rotterdam and I'm of the 'don't talk, but clean' variety. That can sometimes be difficult for others, I think. Anyway, I am also a manager who takes good care of people. I look after my team, but also our customers. I know them, visit them often and make clear agreements. For me, everyone is equal and everything can be discussed. If we can secure the return of both companies in this way, my mission is successful. Every case is different and when it comes to credit insurance issues, it is nice to be able to spar with Xolv, often giving you other inputs or solutions.

Bumpy and beautiful

So as a person, I fit in well with itsme. It is a beautiful company and I am also really grateful to them for the space I am given in my position. I also need that to flourish. I want to go to customers, because I am convinced that this is also where our commercial and financial strength lies. I really want to compliment itsme for always giving me the space and trust, as a young mother, to be able to develop personally, to work and to combine that with motherhood. So that in addition to my job, I also had the freedom to pick up my children from school, for example. My son and daughter are now well into adulthood. I guess I was a progressive mother. For me, working was an investment in my own future. I am convinced that you should always look at the dot on the horizon and work towards it yourself. Nothing comes for nothing and the bumpiest paths lead to the most beautiful places! 

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